errors Simplify managing PHP's errors into your application


errors helps manage errors and exceptions in PHP applications. Part of this library is based on the excellent work in the Haldayne\Fox project.

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Let’s say you want to use PHP’s touch function. This function return false and emit an E_WARNING if the file can not be created. A way to workaround this behavior is to use the @ operator which is considered to be a bad practice as it silenced error reporting and slow down PHP execution. The Carpediem\Errors library helps you better handle these limitations gradually.


$result = touch('/foo/bar');
//if you don't have access to '/foo' directory
// $result = false
// an E_WARNING is emitted with a associated message

If you want to capture the error from the touch function.


use Carpediem\Errors\CaptureError;

$touch = new CaptureError('touch');
$result = $touch('/foo/bar');
if (!$result) {
    throw new RuntimeException($touch->getLastErrorMessage(), $touch->getLastErrorCode());

If you want to convert the error from the touch function into an Exception.


use Carpediem\Errors\CaptureError;
use Carpediem\Errors\ErrorToException;

$touch = new ErrorToException(new CaptureError('touch'));
try {
	$result = $touch('/foo/bar');
} catch (Exception $e) {
	echo $e->getMessage();  // the same message as CaptureError::getLastErrorMessage
	echo $e->getCode(); // the same message as CaptureError::getLastErrorCode



The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.