

All classes and functions are defined under the Carpediem\Mattermost\Webhook namespace.

In order to send notifications the library uses three (3) interfaces:

These interfaces exposes only getter methods and for the ClientInterface a simple ClientInterface::notify method to send a MessageInterface object to a incoming webhook URL of a mattermost compliant service.

The package comes bundle with 2 value objects which are mutable and use the builder pattern to create the notification to be send. Properties type and possible values are fully explained on the mattermost documentation website

If a property is invalid or an action can not be performed a Carpediem\Mattermost\Webhook\Exception is thrown by the library.

The shipped HTTP client uses Guzzle as its inner HTTP client but any client which can produce a Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface can be use to send the notification.


This is the shipped implementation of Carpediem\Mattermost\MessageInterface as a mutable value object.


namespace Carpediem\Mattermost\Webhook;

use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;

final class Message implements MessageInterface
    public function getText(): string;
    public function getChannel(): string;
    public function getUsername(): string;
    public function getIconUrl(): string;
    public function getAttachments(): iterable;
    public function toArray(): array;
    public function jsonSerialize():
    // The methods below are not part of the MessageInterface interface
    public function static fromArray(array $message): self;
    public function __construct(string $text): self;
    public function setText(string $text): self;
    public function setChannel(string $channel): self;
    public function setUsername(string $username): self;
    public function setIconUrl(string|UriInterface $icon_url): self;
    public function setAttachments(iterable $attachments): self;
    public function addAttachment(AttachmentInterface $attachment): self;

Of note:

Message::__construct is added since version 1.2.0 and 2.2.0 to enforce the presence of at least the text property on any sent notification.


This is the shipped implementation of Carpediem\Mattermost\AttachmentInterface as a mutable value object.


namespace Carpediem\Mattermost\Webhook;

use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;

final class Attachment implements AttachmentInterface
    public function getFallback(): string;
    public function getPretext(): string;
    public function getText(): string;
    public function getColor(): string;
    public function getAuthorName(): string;
    public function getAuthorLink(): string;
    public function getAuthorIcon(): string;
    public function getTitle(): string;
    public function getTitleLink(): string;
    public function getFields(): Iterator;
    public function getImageUrl(): string;
    public function getThumbUrl(): string;
    public function toArray(): array;
    public function jsonSerialize();
    // The methods below are not part of the AttachmentInterface interface
    public function static fromArray(array $attachment): self;
    public function __construct(string $fallback): self;
    public function setFallback(string $fallback): self;
    public function setPretext(string $pretext): self;
    public function setText(string $text): self;
    public function setColor(string $color): self;
    public function setAuthor(
        string $author_name,
        string|UriInterface $author_link = '',
        string|UriInterface $author_icon = ''
    ): self;
    public function setTitle(string $title, string $title_link = ''): self;
    public function setFields(iterable $fields): self;
    public function addField(string $title, string $value, bool $short = true): self;
    public function setImageUrl(string|UriInterface $image_url): self;
    public function setThumbUrl(string|UriInterface $thumb_url): self;

Of note:

Attachment::__construct is added since version 1.2.0 and 2.2.0 to enforce the presence of at least the fallback property on any Attachment object.


This is the shipped implementation of Carpediem\Mattermost\ClientInterface. The Client uses Guzzle for HTTP transport.


namespace Carpediem\Mattermost\Webhook;

use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleClient;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface;

final class Client implements ClientInterface
    public function __construct(GuzzleClient $client, array $options = []);
    public function notify(string|UriInterface $url, MessageInterface $message): ResponseInterface;


Using the builder pattern you can easily recreate the example from mattermost documentation.


require '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleClient;
use Carpediem\Mattermost\Webhook\Attachment;
use Carpediem\Mattermost\Webhook\Client;
use Carpediem\Mattermost\Webhook\Message;

$attachment = (new Attachment('This is the fallback test for the attachment.'))
    ->setPretext('This is optional pretext that shows above the attachment.')
    ->setText('This is the text. **Finaly!**')
    ->setTitle('Example attachment')
        ['Long field', 'Testing with a very long piece of text that will take up the whole width of the table. And then some more text to make it extra long.', false],
        ['Column one', 'Testing.', true],
        ['Column two', 'Testing.', true],
        ['Column one again', 'Testing.', true],

$message = (new Message('This is a *test*.'))
    ->setUsername('A Tester')

$mattermost = new Client(new GuzzleClient(['http_errors' => false]));
$response = $mattermost->notify('https://your_mattermost_webhook_url', $message);
if ($response->getStatusCode() < 400) {
    //the notification was successfully sent
} else {
    //something went wrong
//$response is a Psr7\Http\Message\ResponseInterface.